hello and welcome!
may we be a refuge of Love and Peace and Stillness for each other and for all beings
read my welcome message here
see my current offerings below
🩷 watch the 7th episode of my new video series ‘Living As Presence’!
(posted on 15 june 2024)
blessings & much Love
~ Moni
s t i l l n e s s
⭐️ stillness meeting
12 march
5:00 - 6:30pm pacific
⭐️ women’s stillness meeting | encuentro en quietud de mujeres
24 march | de marzo
11am - 12:30 pm pacific
“the silence is worth more than a thousand lives, this freedom worth more than all the empires on earth. to glimpse that truth within yourself, for even just a moment, is worth more than all heavens, all this, and all that.”
~ rumi
r o s e s
coming soon!
i’ll be opening an online shop to sell my rose images!
the date will be announced here soon!