deep bows


home are we!

how blessed!

not only for being returned to our sweet nest happy, healthy, safe, well-travelled & filled to the brim with overflowing gratitude

but for such profound and loving visits & meetings with dear beauty-filled beings

my goodness, we are so blessed!

once again, there are no words to express such gratitude and love

for everyone who met with us

housed us

fed us

drove us

laughed with us

played with us

shared with us

inspired us

and held the space of s t i l l n e s s with us

deep bows of Love & Gratitude

after we landed in spain, i wrote in a blog post of having such a strong sense of a profoundly beautiful & miraculous journey ahead,

and it came to be!

the journey of love, beauty & miracles!

may your journey be overflowing with love, beauty & miracles!
